Our goal at RMBHS is to make your treatment experience as educational, creative, fun, memorable, and engaging as possible. We encourage positive peer engagement and offer group meetings that cover a variety of substance abuse-related topics, holistic wellness activities, and other engaging activities to help
you on your road to recovery. Activities including but not limited to:
- Interactive Journaling
- Relapse Prevention
- Resiliency & Trauma
- The Eight Dimensions of Wellness
- Psychoeducation
- Art & Music therapy
- Poetry & creative writing
- Additional recreational activities
Participants must attend group counseling sessions for at least two and a half hours daily. Morning groups are held from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm, afternoon sessions from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm, and evening virtual sessions from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. These time slots have been selected to ensure that participants have ample time to engage in discussions and work on their individual recovery goals. Please note that group times are subject to change.
addition to the group counseling sessions, clients can access weekly one-on-one sessions with one of our dedicated counselors. Our counselor can help clients identify their specific treatment needs and goals and develop a personalized plan to help them achieve them.
Restoring Minds Behavioral Health Services DUI education Program
Program participants must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a Maryland resident
- Must be 16 years or older
- Must be court ordered
- May be referred by a private attorney, public defender, or States Attorney
- May be referred by Parole & Probation
- May be Self referred
Class Schedule:
- Assessments are conducted on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
- Class sessions are held on Tuesdays from 5-7 p.m.
Class Capacity:
- 15 participants per class cycle
- Participants must successfully complete all modules to receive a Certificate of Completion
- A comprehensive report of the individuals’ progress will be provided to the court as needed
- RMBHS will not abbreviate nor extend class schedules for individual needs
- Those who fail to complete the program, in its entirety, within seven (7) weeks will be required to start over at the discretion of the Facilitator and at the cost to the participant.
Program Cost:
- Assessment – $125.00
- Per Class – $40.00
- Total Cost for individuals who pay for the entire class upfront – $350.00
- Accepted forms of payment – Cash, money order, Credit/Debit Card
- All payments for any services provided are non-refundable
*Attendance and participation are the key to completing this course, however if you miss one (1) class, you are allowed to make that class up in week seven (7). If you miss two (2) classes, you will be required to start the program over and pay the entire fee minus the assessment. If three (3) or more classes are missed, you will be required to start the program over and pay the entire course fee including the assessment.
Restoring Minds Behavioral Health Services, Case Management
Anyone attending one or more of RMBHS programs is eligible for case management services. Our case management services cover at Restoring Minds Behavioral Health Services strive to provide you with a foundation to be successful. We want You to Win!
- Assistance with identifying stable and/or suitable housing
- Assistance with physical health care management
- Exploring eligibility for entitlement benefits to include:
- Food stamps,
- Comprehensive health insurance,
- Social Security income and disability benefits
- Assistance with identifying gainful employment and applying for job opportunities
- Assistance with managing daily life tasks to include:
- Appointment setting
- Personal grooming
- Time management
- Personal budgeting and finance
- Legal support and advocacy
For the date and time of the next class or to schedule your initial assessment, 443-943-0007
Coming soon 2024 ! PHP and 3.1 housing residential treatment programs